Hellooo ;)


Menu for MySQL scripts.

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Creating a user and a database in MySQL.

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Deleting a user and a database in MySQL.

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Import database into MySQL.

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Backup on NFS!

Backup folders on NFS and check port NFS.

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Proxy Auto Configuration!

Example proxy auto-config.

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Check df on Linux!

Simple check df on Linux and mail notification.

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Check lastlog on Linux!

Simple check lastlog on Linux and mail notification.

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Remote execution command via sshpass!

Example remote port shutdown on Cisco.

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Remote execution command via telnet!

Example remote port shutdown on Cisco.

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Remote traffic limitation and configuration on Zyxel Keenetic (Wi-Fi)!

Example of remote traffic limitation and configuration on Zyxel Keenetic (Wi-Fi).

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Search for active hosts on the network!

An example of a search for active hosts on the network.

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Simple check software RAID!

Example simple check software RAID on Linux and notification on mail.

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COM1 connection via Putty!

Example of a COM1 connection via Putty.

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Deleting a mail queue in postfix!

Example of deleting a mail queue in postfix on Linux.

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Info about the system (Debian/Ubuntu)!

Example of collecting information about a system.

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Information about Ethernet network interfaces!

Example of collecting information about Ethernet network interfaces.

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ReqLimits to Nginx!

Example of detecting hosts with large number of requests to Nginx.

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Zabbix notification on Telegram!

Example of Telegram notifications.

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Zabbix notification on Rocketchat!

Example of Rocketchat notifications.

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